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Fred Diamond is based in Fairfax, VA and can be contacted via Facebook or LinkedIn. His popular book, “Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know” is available on Amazon. The e-version of the book is always free to Lyme survivors. PM Fred on Facebook for your copy. Visit Fred's website at freddiamond.com


GLA CEO Laura MacNeill Discusses Lyme Disease Co-infections on the Love, Hope, Lyme Podcast
May 24, 2024
GLA CEO Laura MacNeill discusses the challenges of Lyme disease co-infections, highlighting research efforts on treatment and diagnostics for diseases like Bartonella and Babesiosis.
GLA’s CEO Offers Lyme Diagnostics, Treatment, and Mental Health Updates On Popular Lyme Podcast
January 29, 2024
GLA CEO Laura MacNeill took to the "Love, Hope and Lyme Podcast" with host and author Fred Diamond to discuss the latest developments in Lyme disease diagnostics, treatment, and mental health care. La...
The GLA Gala 2023 Award Honoree Kenzie Vath’s Advice for Lyme Caregivers
October 3, 2023
Kenzie Vath, the GLA Gala 2023 honoree, took to the "Love, Hope and Lyme Podcast" with host and author Fred Diamond to discuss her advice for caregivers of chronic Lyme patients and survivors. Learn a...