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GLA is here to support patients, caregivers, and loved ones of those who are living with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Our valuable resources will support you through every step in your journey.  Find a Lyme disease specialist, get information on financial support, access clinical trials, connect with a mentor for support, and access educational resources.  

Find a Lyme Disease Specialist

Use our physician finder to search for healthcare providers with experience treating Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Or contact us to  help you find  knowledgeable medical professionals in your area.

Find a Lyme Specialist Now

Lyme Disease Library

Educate Yourself

Visit our library to access a list of books to learn more about Lyme disease. You'll find a range of topics om Lyme & tick-borne illnesses, chronic Lyme disease, diagnosis and treatment, first-person experiences that address coping with Lyme disease, diet and nutrition specific to Lyme disease, integrative and alternative medicine, Parenting and Lyme, Children’s books specific to Lyme, etc. 

Visit Lyme Disease Library

Global Lyme Alliance Peer-to-Peer Mentor Support 

Get One-on-One Support

Connect with others like yourself. Our peer-to-peer mentor support is a free resource for people who are affected by Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness. Our peer mentors provide emotional support for Lyme patients, caregivers, and family members who have questions or just need to talk to someone who has experienced Lyme disease.

Peer mentors have been diagnosed with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness or are providing care. 

Visit our peer-to-peer mentor support program page

Support Groups

Get Group Support

Find a support group to meet with others who  are affected by Lyme and/or other tick-borne diseases, including patients, family members and caregivers. Groups come in different formats – from formal meetings – to small group discussions – to online Facebook groups.

*Support groups listed on our page are not affiliated with GLA

Find a Support Group

Lyme Symptom Tracker App

Keep track of your daily symptoms and activity

GLA’s Lyme Symptom Tracker app is designed to empower Lyme disease patients and caregivers to take control of symptoms and help manage the disease. 

Available on:

Click me Click me

Clinical Trials

Patients like you play an important role in advancing the understanding of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. It is the one way you can help in the discovery of new or improved treatments.  Your participation accelerates accurate diagnostics and treatment options to improve the lives of people living with Lyme disease. 

Visit our Clinical Trials page

Financial Assistance Resources

Access our list of financial support resources to find reimbursement for treatments, federal and state assistance programs, and transportation assistance programs. 

Visit our Financial Assistance Resources page

Our Blogs

Gain a sense of community through GLA’s blogs. Our blogs are written by people who openly  share their personal experiences living with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illnesses.  We're sure you'll be able to relate to their personal stories ranging from treatments,  symptoms, managing daily life, and more. Looking for a particular topic? 

Check out our GLA Blogs page
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