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All Resources

When you find a tick attached
July 28, 2020
5 simple steps what to do when you find a tick attached
Lyme Disease Library
March 11, 2019
List of books, videos, blogs and more to learn more about Lyme disease
Financial Assistance Resources
March 11, 2019
List of foundations and community support groups that provide financial support for those living with a chronic illness
Tick Repellent Roundup
December 26, 2018
Use this Tick Repellent Roundup to understand the various on-skin and on-clothing repellent ingredients and their pros and cons
Tick Testing Labs
June 1, 2018
List of tick testing labs across the U.S.
Be Tick Aware Prevention Kit
June 1, 2018
Easy to understand and use kit to help prevent tick bites. Great for families, schools, camps and outdoor-based organizations
Patient Testing Labs
June 1, 2018
List of diagnostic testing labs specializing in Lyme and other tick-borne diseases
Tick and Lyme Disease Curriculum
June 1, 2018
Student guides and teacher workbooks to print
Digital Education
June 1, 2018
Tick awareness and Lyme disease interactive curriculum
Certified Camps
June 1, 2018
Find a list of camps who have taken advanced steps to protect campers and staff by reducing the tick and mosquito populations as well as control Poison Ivy
Published Research
May 31, 2018
View scientific abstracts resulting from research projects funded by the Global Lyme Alliance. These articles have all been published in peer-review journals