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Longtime Global Lyme Alliance supporters, Dana and Toni Blanchard are running the 2022 Marathon on behalf of the organization. 

We are so grateful to share our experience training for the 2022 NYC Marathon on November 6th and are honored to be raising money and awareness for GLA and the Lyme community.


From a young age we have always enjoyed running. Unfortunately, we have also been Lyme sufferers and running has been an important part of our healing. We spent our childhood, adolescence, and early adult years on a variety of treatment protocols, many of which were unsuccessful. However through more holistic therapies, nutritional and lifestyle changes, and many prayers, we are so grateful to be strong enough to take on these 26.2 miles! While we have encountered unforeseen obstacles during training, we were able to persevere by following a smart plan and relying on many of the tools we have used in our healing journeys. Truly this marathon has felt like a lifetime in the making!

We can both attest that dealing with Lyme, and the myriad of co-infections and related health conditions, can push anyone to their limits. We have watched this disease rob the aspiration and potential of so many, especially young people. However, we have found that through this pain can come incredible resilience and strength that will not only carry you in your healing journey, but also prepare you to overcome any obstacles you may face. For that, we are thankful that Lyme disease has provided us the best marathon training – the ability to handle whatever physical, mental, and emotional challenge we may encounter. We hope that by sharing our story, we can bring hope to those amidst their suffering. There are brighter days ahead and your strength has a purpose.

312156856_2364881713661499_3666768006788451998_n-1GLA is working hard to educate and find answers so that another generation of youth are not forced to grow up with a disease that they acquired so innocently. The strides that have been made in research and education are unparalleled, and we could not be prouder and more honored to be running the NYC Marathon on behalf of GLA and the Lyme community. Every dollar raised will help GLA make a difference in finding an accurate diagnostic test and affordable and effective treatments.

If you would like to learn more about our Lyme story and fundraising efforts, please click here to visit our page. We are so thankful for the support. Every dollar counts in this fight for a future Lyme free world!

The above material is provided for information purposes only. The material (a) is not nor should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor (b) does it necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of Global Lyme Alliance, Inc. or any of its directors, officers, advisors or volunteers. Advice on the testing, treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician who has examined that patient or is familiar with that patient’s medical history. 

Dana and Toni Blanchard

GLA Contributor

*Opinions expressed by contributors are their own