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Hear directly from a patient advocate about all the strategies she used to recover from Lyme. 

Many have asked what I have done in my journey to heal, and I have finally typed it up.

I am the first to say it is a wide combination of things and choices I have made throughout the years that has got me here. Some of which I believe have made a significant impact in moving me forward. Most of the things I believe in exist within the empowering Rise Above Lyme Support Group. I share everything I have tried or still use.  We also aim to share things we haven't tried, as they may work for others. We are a group seeking solutions, first and foremost.

One of the biggest reasons this group was created was to provide hope by providing education, and most of all solutions, to those struggling. 

241209This is just one of the few private pictures I have taken. Ones that I never intended on sharing, but I am learning that vulnerability is okay. It is a small glimpse into just a few moments of years of struggles. I have been to hell and back. But I feel that the things I chose moved me forward.  I regret nothing in what I have or have not chosen- I followed my instincts. I am not saying my way is the only way. I am not saying this will heal you. I am not saying other methods are better or worse. I am simply living as an open book, and if sharing what I did helps you then I am certainly not going to be quiet about it.  

Am I in perfect health? NO. Do I have bad days? YES. But I have a life now. I am a mother again.  I am a wife again. I am a daughter again. I am a sister again. I am a friend to many. I do things in the world again. I laugh a lot. I am drastically better. I choose things that bring joy. And I protect myself.

Have I changed? For sure I have. I am extremely strong and I know it. Hell, I had to be strong enough to treat my child during my own battle. I had to be strong enough to set an example.

Now, I know I am resilient. 

I know who I am without a hint of doubt.  I have Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,  Babesia, Bartonella, Erhlichia, TBRF and several more illnesses. I was once bedridden with the worst symptoms a human should ever have to experience. 

But now, I wake everyday happy to enjoy my life. I am doing the treadmill consistently and don't crash afterwards.  I no longer live in pain and my brain is fully recovered.  I have control over my health and I am grateful for each and every day. 

Here is my list of each thing I chose along my healing journey:

(Join the Facebook page for posts on each subject)

1. I found a Lyme Literate Medical Professional 

2. I did 18 months of IV antibiotics (plus 6 months oral)

3. I took supplements and herbals throughout treatment and still take things (Here is the full list) 

4. I removed root canals and metals

5. I went to all natural protocol as soon as stable

6. I addressed mold

7. I addressed parasites

8. I always work on viruses

9. I focused on gut health throughout

10. I consistently addressed immune system, detox and inflammation. Super important.

11. I added PEMF, an infrared photon mat

12. I added gentle exercise

13. I fixed my regularity ๐Ÿ’ฉ

14. I added a WAVE 1 frequency device

15. I established regular therapy sessions


๐Ÿ’š I let go of false friendships early on. I held on to the people that stood by me and let the rest go. I let go of anyone who judged me or didn't believe me.

๐Ÿ’š I do not stay with dismissive doctors. They get fired. I will not let them dismiss me ever again. 

๐Ÿ’š I did advocacy work to give me purpose and to fight back. 

๐Ÿ’š I do not engage in negativity and avoid it at all costs.

๐Ÿ’š I am always seeking peace and joy wherever I can. 

All of these things have contributed to my healing and improving my symptoms. Each thing I did moved me forward in some way. And I regret nothing.  ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿค›

There is hope. You can Rise Above this disease. 

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The above material is provided for information purposes only. The material (a) is not nor should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor (b) does it necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of Global Lyme Alliance, Inc. or any of its directors, officers, advisors or volunteers. Advice on the testing, treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician who has examined that patient or is familiar with that patientโ€™s medical history. 
GLA Contributor

Jessica Devine

GLA Contributor

*Opinions expressed by contributors are their own. Jessica Devine, a lyme disease patient advocate, founded numerous support groups alongside a website, Rise Above Lyme, as a safe space to seek accurate information on any topic related to Lyme and co-infections. Now five years later, that group has expanded into the Rise Above Lyme of today. Her goal is to provide those suffering with hope, comfort, and, most of all, solutions to make each patient's journey a little easier.

Email: Theriseabovelyme@gmail.com

Website: https://www.riseabovelyme.com