Updates on our education ambassadors and staff, who play an important role in strengthening our efforts to protect people from Lyme disease
As we work together to spread awareness, we drive change. This is especially true when it comes to GLA’s education Ambassadors. The more we work together, the more we will prevent future cases and help those currently living with the disease. Here's what some of our ambassadors & staff have been up to in the last few months!
Sara Tyghter, GLA Staff, Director of Education and Outreach - June 2021
Every year, Camp Pontiac in Copake, NY invites GLA to educate their camp staff about how to prevent tick and mosquito bites, and avoid contact with poisonous plants. Camp Pontiac is an Ivy Oaks certified camp and are taking the necessary steps to help keep their camp grounds safe. GLA appreciates the opportunity to provide the Be Tick AWARE prevention information to help the campers have a fun filled summer. To learn more about tick prevention, visit www.betickaware.org
GLA is an educational partner of Ivy Oaks Analytics.
Bill B., GLA Ambassador, Delhi, NY - June 2021
Our Lyme Education Ambassador, Bill B. worked hard to spread Lyme disease awareness at the 1st Annual Kappa Sigma Epsilon Golf Tournament at The College Golf Course at Delhi. Thanks to Bill, Global Lyme Alliance signage was featured on signage on 4 golf holes and on the welcoming banner at the event. Bill also distributed GLA's educational flyers to the attendees in hopes to bring Lyme disease prevention to the forefront on and off the course! Thank you to Bill for his efforts.
Rika K., GLA Ambassador, NYC & Litchfield County, CT - March-June 2021
Rika presented a series of Lyme disease awareness webinars at public libraries in Litchfield County, CT and Long Island, NY.
Melinda S., GLA Ambassador, Huntsville, MO - May 2021

Our Lyme Education Ambassador, Melinda S. has worked tirelessly lobbying state officials in Missouri to address Lyme disease on behalf of the community. In doing so, Governor Mike Parson passed a Proclamation declaring May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month in Missouri. Thank you to Melinda for her efforts!
Jenny K., GLA Ambassador, Roxbury, CT - May 2021
Our Lyme Education Ambassador, Jenny K. educated members of her community at the Transfer Station in Roxbury, CT. In addition, she’s working closely with her town officials to raise awareness about the increase in ticks and Lyme disease. They recently posted on their Facebook page for residents to #BeTickAWARE!
You can help educate the community too!
If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, click here to learn more. We are always looking for dedicated people who are engaged, energetic, and passionate about spreading awareness and educating people about Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. As a GLA Ambassador you will make a difference in the community and help us achieve our mission. It’s time to take a LEAP for prevention!