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Running a marathon is a major feat for anyone, let alone when you suffer from a chronic illness such as Lyme disease.

  Toni Blanchard, a member of the Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) Young Leaders Council (YLC) talks about running the New York City Marathon to raise awareness and funds for Lyme disease research with Tony Savino on WGCH radio. Toni shares her story of living with Lyme disease and her motivation to run this year's NYC Marathon with fellow GLA YLC member Jesse Ruben, as part of GLA's Quest for a Test campaign. Listen to interview. [audio mp3="http://globallyme.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/121216-toni-blanchard-interview-on-WGCH.mp3"][/audio] Read post-marathon interviews with Toni and Jesse.

Listen to Toni's October 5, 2016 radio interview with Tony Savino.


Global Lyme Alliance

Global Lyme Alliance